Sex Giulia Traverso Sex Giulia Traverso

Political coherence or sexual decohrence, that is the question

This blog post is about sex. And not in the sense that some jokes and situations will be narrated that might subtly refer to sex. Nope. Sex will be the one and only protagonist of this blog post and the subject will be treated in the most unapologetic way, without ifs and without buts. I’m telling you this, my dear reader, to give you the opportunity to decide if you want to continue reading or not.

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Lifestyle, Career, Technology Giulia Traverso Lifestyle, Career, Technology Giulia Traverso

How to not redesign your life according to someone else’s terms

One of the peculiarities of modernity is the questioning of the norms that are into force in a society. And at least to my understanding, there are multiple “modern times” coming back every now and then. Those waves of modernity are often the result of technological advances that make humankind less susceptible to the environment, thus making societal norms and customs obsolete.

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Writing, Travel Giulia Traverso Writing, Travel Giulia Traverso

The four events that should have happened during my trip to Thailand but in the end haven’t

This blog post shouldn’t exist. The very words you are reading should have never been written. Writing about my recent trip to Thailand during the holidays wasn’t according to plan. And it wasn’t according to plan not because I didn’t want to repeat myself and publish yet another post about a trip on the other side of the world. My blog posts are not about narrating any event that happened to me anyway.

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Travel Giulia Traverso Travel Giulia Traverso

How mass tourists exploit developing countries and pretend to be adventurous travellers instead

Like last year, also for this year’s summer holidays I have decided to travel through the (in)famous Italian tour operator specialized in organizing hard core trips. I am talking about Viaggi e Avventure nel Mondo (Trips and Adventures Around the World), the tour operator funded in the 70s targeting people who have so many holidays that can afford to go travel with them first and then take a further week off to recover.

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Social media, Personal Branding, Career Giulia Traverso Social media, Personal Branding, Career Giulia Traverso

The successful growth strategy of unskilled influencers building up their digital empire

One of the benefits of social media is that you can stay updated on what is happening in the life of friends and acquaintances without having to meet them. This is especially true for old mates from school, those that you left behind ages ago when you decided to move to another city to pursue your studies.

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