Political coherence or sexual decohrence, that is the question
This blog post is about sex. And not in the sense that some jokes and situations will be narrated that might subtly refer to sex. Nope. Sex will be the one and only protagonist of this blog post and the subject will be treated in the most unapologetic way, without ifs and without buts. I’m telling you this, my dear reader, to give you the opportunity to decide if you want to continue reading or not.
Sex and the software: what it means to have an active sexual life in the digital world
The economy has become in the last few decades more and more intangible. We went from a product-based economy, where agricultural and industrial outputs constituted the majority of the goods, to a service-based economy. Due to the digital era, even services became more and more immaterial.
Dry veganuary: the frontier of the january resolutions and tips to survive it
After the binge of the Christmas holidays, January has always been the month dedicated to detox and to establish healthier habits. Among the initiatives that I discovered as being considered cool by wannabe Instagram celebrities that I follow, there are “Veganuary” and “Dry January”.