Unexpected mathematical properties of student apartments
I live in a student apartment that I share with other two people, or, better, students. Student apartments are not like any other apartment. They get older and older and older, yet never collapse.
Gilmore Girls binge watching golden rules
Gilmore Girls is a TV-series in the business of nostalgia. I don’t know how they did it, but since the first episode it was clear that it would have reminded us forever of “those good old times”.
The real steps to survive a PhD defence
At the end of April, after four years of work and dedication, I have finally defended my PhD. The defence consisted of thirty minutes of presentation and more than one hour of questions.
The ultimate guide to a zero-waste self-care routine
The magical time of the weekend when you feel you deserve an hour or so in the bathroom for a self-care routine has finally arrived.
Going clubbing at 18 vs 28: differences and similarities
The time has arrived to admit that I’m getting older and to compare myself with my past version of ten years ago.
The mental cost of plastic-free grocery shopping
Decreasing my plastic consumption is what I decided to be my New Year’s resolution. After cutting down the plastic in my bathroom, now it’s time to cut it down in my kitchen.
Packing tips to stay healthy event when traveling
You might have guessed by now that I’m obsessed with stuff like eating well, lowering my plastic consumption, exercising and staying fit.
How to write your PhD thesis on Mondays
Oh yeah! I’m currently in the painful process of writing my PhD thesis. If you’re in this process too (or are simply in pain), then stick around.