The subtle difference between desperate housewives and successful business women
My mum just substituted her 26-year-old vacuum-cleaner with a new one. How come can a vacuum-cleaner last longer than many marriages? Well, she made and investment back then and bought the Kobold vacuum-cleaner by Vorwerk.
What recovering from a PhD defence is like
I defended my PhD on April 24th. It’s August now. Four months have passed and I’m still here talking about it. Or, better, I’m still recovering and talking about my recovery.
The real steps to survive a PhD defence
At the end of April, after four years of work and dedication, I have finally defended my PhD. The defence consisted of thirty minutes of presentation and more than one hour of questions.
Five steps to find a mentor: how I did it and how you can too
Lately, I’ve been feeling in need of a mentor. I’m doing a PhD in cryptography and it’s very difficult to find female role models in the tech industry.